Monday, October 9th
No School - Teacher PD/Prep Day
Tuesday, October 10th
- Dress Up Day - Disney
Key Concept: Gratitude
Handouts (on table by cabinets)
Introduce Gratitude Journal (30min)
Update Pages on Portfolio for Q2
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Handouts (on table by cabinets)
- Daily Learning Reflection
- Reading on Gratitude and Psychology
Introduce Gratitude Journal (30min)
- Reading - Giving thanks can make you happier
- Create Blog page on your portfolio
Update Pages on Portfolio for Q2
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Wednesday, October 11th
- Dress Up Day - Mardi Gras
- Junior Career Day - ASU
Key Concept: Life Kit
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Q2 Joy Is...Social, Mental and Physical
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Q2 Joy Is...Social, Mental and Physical
- Essential Lesson - Podcast: Life Kit from NPR
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Thursday, October 12th
- Dress Up Day - Shining Star (Neon) Day
- Homecoming - Buff Bash Schedule tomorrow
Key Concept: Growing Our Vocabulary
Handouts (on table by cabinets)
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Essential Lessons
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Handouts (on table by cabinets)
- Growing Our Vocabulary Booklet
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Essential Lessons
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Friday, October 13th
- Dress Up Day - Blue and White
- Homecoming - Buff Bash Schedule
Key Concept: Life Kit and Vocab
Gratitude Journal (10min) Continue...
Daily Learning Reflection (5min) |