Monday, December 2nd
Key Concept(s):
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min) and Phone Pick Up
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
- Every day - Chapter
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min) and Phone Pick Up
Tuesday, December 3rd
Key Concept:
Seating Chart
*Phones in pouch by the bell ringing
*Get out of your materials while you are sitting and talking before the bell
HANDOUTS (table on the wall by the phone)
Seating Chart
*Phones in pouch by the bell ringing
*Get out of your materials while you are sitting and talking before the bell
HANDOUTS (table on the wall by the phone)
- Daily Learning Reflection
- Reading
- Chapter
Wednesday, December 4th
Key Concept(s):
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min) and Phone Pick Up
Gratitude Journal (10min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
- Every day - Chapter
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min) and Phone Pick Up
Thursday, December 5th
Key Concept(s):
Phones in Assigned Spots by the bell ringing
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Phones in Assigned Spots by the bell ringing
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
- Every day - Chapter
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Friday, December 6th
Key Concept(s):
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
- Every day - Chapter -
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)