What is the point?
Life span development in psychology is the study of human growth and change across the entire course of life. This field examines the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development that individuals undergo from conception to death. Students exploring life span development investigate various developmental stages, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Theories such as Erikson's psychosocial stages and Piaget's stages of cognitive development are often explored to understand the factors that shape individuals at different points in their lives. The field also addresses the impact of genetics, environment, and cultural influences on development. Through this comprehensive study, students gain a holistic understanding of the continuous and dynamic processes that contribute to the formation of identity, personality, and social relationships over the entire life span.
Life Span Development
Essential Lessons
Essential Lessons are content lessons that are required by all students to complete.
Mr. Wince will ask to see your notes throughout the quarter and give feedback and engage in conversations about the content.
Checklist (6 Lessons)
Growing Our Vocabulary
Erikson's Stages of Life
Personality Can Change Over Time...
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
How You Change
How Friendships Change
Mr. Wince will ask to see your notes throughout the quarter and give feedback and engage in conversations about the content.
Checklist (6 Lessons)
Growing Our Vocabulary
Erikson's Stages of Life
Personality Can Change Over Time...
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
How You Change
How Friendships Change
Growing Our Vocabulary
Directions: These words need to be added to your personal glossary with definitions.
* = words we will do the Frayer Model on together
* = words we will do the Frayer Model on together
*Morality |
*Psychosocial |
*Intersecting Issues
*Socialization |
Add words that you came across throughout these Essential Lessons that you learned and add them to your glossary.
Additional Lessons
These Lessons can help you better understand different aspects of the concept we are studying.
These Lessons are NOT mandatory but would add to your learning about this time period.
These may be articles/videos/podcasts about our topics and there may or may not be specific instructions to do something with them other than read/watch/listen and see how it can add meaning to your understanding.
These Lessons are NOT mandatory but would add to your learning about this time period.
These may be articles/videos/podcasts about our topics and there may or may not be specific instructions to do something with them other than read/watch/listen and see how it can add meaning to your understanding.