Image Source -How does trauma spill from one generation to the next?
High School
1st Quarter - 2023 - 6-8 Weeks
Dylan Wince
Tempe High School
Traditional Units
American Revolution
Creating a New Country
Expanding the Nation
Change and Continuity
Cause and Effect
Multiple Perspectives
High School
1st Quarter - 2023 - 6-8 Weeks
Dylan Wince
Tempe High School
Traditional Units
American Revolution
Creating a New Country
Expanding the Nation
Change and Continuity
Cause and Effect
Multiple Perspectives
Q1 Feeling Our Connections:
Lands, Peoples, & Governments
Driving Question (DQ)
Using photography, how can you show your connections and feelings with our lands and peoples?
Supporting Questions (SQs)
Lands - How do you experience joy through the land through where you live, play and relax?
Peoples - How do you experience joy through your connections with your family, friends and community members?
History - How do you feel the connections to our history in your day to day life?
Lands - How do you experience joy through the land through where you live, play and relax?
Peoples - How do you experience joy through your connections with your family, friends and community members?
History - How do you feel the connections to our history in your day to day life?
Project Description
(NEEDS UPDATING) This project is to have students engage with history, our present and seven generations in our future. Historical trauma, intergenerational trauma, is impacting our country. Students will have opportunities to engage with Essential Historical Lessons and then apply that learning to what they believe would be a way to begin healing and creating a better future. Students will be asked to create a plan and engage in creating an artistic visual for how they want to apply this learning. Our Units covered throughout this project are the American Revolution, Creating a New Country and Expanding the Territory of the United States. We will base our plan in the Indigenous Wisdom, Haudenosaunee, Seventh Generation Principle that asks for the thought process of whatever we are deciding to include how our decisions will impact those coming after us for seven generations.
Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
Community Partnerships
- Relationships need to be fostered
- NEEDS - Funding for disposable cameras and printing
Public Product
- Photo journal of student's perspectives of connections and feelings with lands and peoples
Showcase Event
Project Feeling Our Connections
Essential Lessons
Essential Lessons are content lessons that are required by all students to complete.
Mr. Wince will ask to see your notes throughout the quarter and give feedback and engage in conversations about the content.
Checklist (4 Lessons)
Identity & "I AM" Poem
"New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape"
Podcast: All My Relations
The Collective Works of Mark Klett and Byron Wolfe
Mr. Wince will ask to see your notes throughout the quarter and give feedback and engage in conversations about the content.
Checklist (4 Lessons)
Identity & "I AM" Poem
"New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape"
Podcast: All My Relations
The Collective Works of Mark Klett and Byron Wolfe
Project Checkpoints
Checkpoint #1 - Date TBD
Checkpoint #2 - Date TBD
Checkpoint #3 - Date TBD
Project Deadline - Date TBD
Checkpoint #2 - Date TBD
Checkpoint #3 - Date TBD
Project Deadline - Date TBD