Monday, September 16th
Key Concept: Self-Evaluation and Horizons Practice Test
Quarter Celebration
7-Weeks Completed Self-Evaluation of Learning (10min)
Practice Horizons ACT Test
Study Time
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Quarter Celebration
- Friday, Sept. 27th
- Sign-up Sheet
7-Weeks Completed Self-Evaluation of Learning (10min)
- this will replace your previous Self-Evaluation
Practice Horizons ACT Test
- SchoolCity
- Passcode will be given by Wince
Study Time
- ALL Lessons are Due, Monday, Sept. 23rd
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Tuesday, September 17th
- Wince Out for Golf P5 and P7
Key Concept: Student Study Day
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Quarter Celebration
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
Student Study Day
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Quarter Celebration
- Friday, Sept. 27th
- Sign-up Sheet
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
Student Study Day
- Complete Missing Assignments
- Indigenous America
- American Settler Colonialism
- American Revolution
- Creating a New Country
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Wednesday, September 18th
- Early Release - 2:23pm
Key Concept: Expanding the Country
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
1800s-1840s: Expanding the Territory of the United States
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
TBD - Canvas
Daily Quiet Reading (10min)
1800s-1840s: Expanding the Territory of the United States
- Anticipatory Guide for previous Unit - Creating a New Country
- Anticipatory Guide for new Unit
- Overview Lesson (3 parts)
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
TBD - Canvas
Thursday, September 19th
Key Concept: Seminar #5
Seminar #5
Quarter Celebration
Daily Learning Reflection (5min) |
Period 2
Group 1 Joshua, Jerhi, Ethan, Travis, Ja'Nyla, George, Danna, Jordyn, Kylie, Nicholas, Jazmene, Mia Group 2 Jesus, Mason, Jose, Emily, Ronin, Alizon, Trinity, Raymond, DaRon, Hiliana, Lorenzo Group 3 Ariel, Nicholas, Maxsim, Adrian, Daniel, Miguel, Kevin, Gary, Raul, Frederick, Deryke Period 5 Group 1 Isamar, Ailyn, Tajhinae, Rene, Adrian, Mark, Ana, Samantha, Jesus, Cleotis Group 2 Christian A, Ashlynn, Luis, Leonardo, Jaxon, Emely, Leshli, Perla, Jermaine, Alfredo Group 3 Teela, Christian C, Condrea, Odalis, Reyna, Dereon, Araya, Ezekiel, AJ Period 7 Group 1 Casandra, Gio, Ziggy, Kevin, Anthony, Niah, Bryant, Itzue, Zhiyon, Diego, Briana Group 2 Yael, Jiatziry, Kerlly, Hadassah, Jeffery, Bryan, Hayden, Luis, Brittney, Josue, Joseph Group 3 Erin, Tyler, Ameerah, Kevyn, Andriana, Kalina, Alegandro, Isabela, Abigail, Sean |
Friday, September 20th
- Wince Out - San Diego as a Chaperone
- Buff Bash schedule
Key Concept: Work Day
Smiles and Frowns (5min) 1800s-1840s: Expanding the Territory of the United States
All Lessons from Previous Units Due
Daily Learning Reflection (5min) |