Image Source - Colorful Truck - Pinterest
Purpose of this page
As a guide for you on this learning journey you are on, I want to be able to help you become aware of some amazing resources that will help you think critically about the topics that interest you.
Over the years, I have been doing this with my students and they find awesome resources that helped their learning and they have shared them with me.
I believe I should pass these on to you because maybe they will be what finally makes something make sense for your thinking.
Below you will find documentaries, websites to national/international/local nonprofit organizations, museums, digital libraries, ect.
Some of the topics are separated but when experiencing inequality, most of these topics overlap to compound the complexity in addressing the issue with one simple task.
Over the years, I have been doing this with my students and they find awesome resources that helped their learning and they have shared them with me.
I believe I should pass these on to you because maybe they will be what finally makes something make sense for your thinking.
Below you will find documentaries, websites to national/international/local nonprofit organizations, museums, digital libraries, ect.
Some of the topics are separated but when experiencing inequality, most of these topics overlap to compound the complexity in addressing the issue with one simple task.
Immigrant Rights
- Immigration History - background, timeline of major laws, glossary of terms
- Documentary List - 8 Documentaries that Illuminate U.S. Immigration Policies
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Immigrants' Rights Project
- (Arizona) Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project
- Netflix Documentary Series (6 Episodes) - Immigration Nation
Incarceration (Abolition, Police, Prisons)
- Nonprofit Organization - American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Prisoners' Rights
- Abolition of Prisons - The Marshall Project
- Documentary List - 5 Movies You Should Watch About the Prison System - 13th Documentary (Full Video - YouTube)
- Social Movement Lessons from the US Prisoners' Rights Movement
- Prison Policy Initiative
- War on Drugs
- Article - The Movement To Abolish Prisons And The Police - NPR
Environmental Justice (Climate Change, Water Rights)
- Documentary List - 5 documentaries exploring Indigenous wisdom and climate justice
- Nonprofit Organization - Sunrise Movement - We Are The Climate Revolution
- Nonprofit Organization - Climate Justice Alliance
- Nonprofit Organization -
- Nonprofit News Organization - Climate Justice - Nonprofit Quarterly
- Environmental Justice Timeline - Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
- Documentary - An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
- (Arizona) Climate Justice Groups in Arizona
- Action - Guide to Going Green at Home
Food Justice
- Website Article - What is Food Justice - FoodPrint
- Documentary List - These 6 Documentaries and Docuseries Will Help You Learn About Food Justice
- Food Justice—One Serving at a Time - National Education Association
- Website - Food Justice - PBS
- Documentary List - 18 Films about Food to Inspire, Outrage, and Mobilize
- (Arizona) Climate change could push produce prices higher, slowing the fight for food justice - AZ Central
- Organization List - 24 Organizations Finding Food Justice (Food Justice)
Racial Justice
- 9 Best Charities That Fight for Racial Justice in America (Complete 2022 List)
- Nonprofit Organization - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
- Organization List - 10 Organizations That Support Racial Equality
- Documentary List - 11 Must-Watch Shows and Documentaries About Racial Justice and Police Brutality
Women's Rights
- Nonprofit Organization - National Organization for Women
- Nonprofit Organization - Center for Reproductive Rights
- International Nonprofit Organization - Global Fund For Women
- International Nonprofit Organization - UN Women
- Documentary List - Sixteen Films to Inspire Discussions about Gender Equality
- Documentary List - 5 Netflix documentaries that help you understand the fight for women’s rights
Economic Justice (Wealth Inequality)
- Nonprofit News Organization - Economic Justice - Nonprofit Quarterly
- Nonprofit Organization - Poor Peoples Campaign - A National Call for Moral Rival (Wealth Inequality)
- Documentary/Film List - Economic Justice Films - Social Justice Resource Center
Housing Justice
- Nonprofit Organization - Housing Justice Platform
- Nonprofit Organization - Housing Justice Center
- Nonprofit Organization - Urban Institute - Housing Justice Hub
Health Justice (Healthcare Access, Medicine)
- Nonprofit Organization - Indivisible - A Focus on Health Care Justice
- Nonprofit News Organization - The Struggle for Healthcare Justice: It’s Movement Time
- Nonprofit Organization List - 30 Organizations Defending the Right to Health
LGBTQIA+ Justice
Psychology Resources to Get You Started
Personality Psychology - VeryWell Mind (Social Interactions) Close Relationships - Video - The Social Psychology of Close Relationships - Society of Personality and Social Psychology (Introvert vs Extrovert) Introvert vs Extrovert: A Look at the Spectrum & Psychology - Positive Psychology Risk-Taking Behaviors(Drinking)
One year on: Unhealthy weight gains, increased drinking reported by Americans coping with pandemic stress - APA (Suicide/Self-Harm) Talking to teens: Suicide prevention - APA Gender Identity/Sexual OrientationSleepAnxiety and Depression |
Self-Image/Body Dissatisfaction(Eating Disorders)
New insights on eating disorders - APA Study - Body Dissatisfaction, Importance of Appearance, and Body Appreciation in Men and Women Over the Lifespan - National Library of Medicine DisordersRacism, bias, and discriminationTraumaPodcasts |
Government Sources Recommended by Mr. Wince
National Organizations
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
State Organizations
American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona (ACLU of Arizona)
Human Rights Campaign - Arizona
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
State Organizations
American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona (ACLU of Arizona)
Human Rights Campaign - Arizona
Immigration |
Weapon/Gun Availability |
National Immigration Law Center
DACA Advocacy - United We Dream America’s Voice Arizona - LUCHA Arizona - The Florence Project |
(Gun Control)
Arizona - Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence National - Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence National - The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence National - Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (Gun Advocacy) National Rifle Association (NRA) |
Healthcare |
Police Brutality |
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
Coalition on Human Needs Food Research and Action Center (Abortion Rights Advocates) NARAL Pro-Choice America Center for Reproductive Rights (Anti-Abortion Advocates) National Right to Life Women's Rights |
American Activist/Author - Mariame Kaba
Arizona - Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro New York - Communities United For Police Reform Florida - Dream Defenders Minnesota - Communities United Against Police Brutality National - Campaign Zero LGBTQIA+ Rights |