Skills Focus
Change and continuity
Multiple perspectives
Using inquiry to create argument with claim, evidence, and reasoning
Compelling Question(s)
How are Constitutional principles reflected in the institutions of government?
What are the rights guaranteed to persons by the Constitution?
Essential Standard(s)
HS.C1.4 - Analyze the evolution of civic virtues, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human rights.
HS.C2.1 - Explain the importance of individual participation in civic and political institutions.
HS.C2.4 - Analyze the responsibilities of citizens.
HS.C2.3 - Evaluate the evolution of ideals and rights established in historical documents, legislation, executive actions, and court cases.
HS.C3.1 - Examine how the United States Constitution established a system of government that has powers, responsibilities, and limits and analyze how those powers, responsibilities, and limits have changed over time.
HS.C3.2 - Analyze the origins, functions, and structures of government at the national, state, local, and tribal levels and compare with other systems of government.
Learning Target
Collective Action: I can explain my rights according to the Constitution and our Constitutional Amendments.
Skills Focus
Change and continuity
Multiple perspectives
Using inquiry to create argument with claim, evidence, and reasoning
Compelling Question(s)
How are Constitutional principles reflected in the institutions of government?
What are the rights guaranteed to persons by the Constitution?
Essential Standard(s)
HS.C1.4 - Analyze the evolution of civic virtues, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human rights.
HS.C2.1 - Explain the importance of individual participation in civic and political institutions.
HS.C2.4 - Analyze the responsibilities of citizens.
HS.C2.3 - Evaluate the evolution of ideals and rights established in historical documents, legislation, executive actions, and court cases.
HS.C3.1 - Examine how the United States Constitution established a system of government that has powers, responsibilities, and limits and analyze how those powers, responsibilities, and limits have changed over time.
HS.C3.2 - Analyze the origins, functions, and structures of government at the national, state, local, and tribal levels and compare with other systems of government.
Learning Target
Collective Action: I can explain my rights according to the Constitution and our Constitutional Amendments.
Essential Lessons
Essential Lessons are content lessons that are required by all students to complete.
Mr. Wince will ask to see your notes throughout the quarter and give feedback and engage in conversations about the content.
Mr. Wince will ask to see your notes throughout the quarter and give feedback and engage in conversations about the content.
Growing Our Vocabulary
Directions: These words need to be added to your personal glossary with definitions.
Collective Action Civic Action Labor Union |
Nonviolence Strike General Strike |
Right to Work State
At-Will State |
Add words that you came across throughout these Essential Lessons that you learned and add them to your glossary.
Additional Lessons
These Lessons can help you better understand different aspects of the concept we are studying.
These Lessons are NOT mandatory but would add to your learning about this time period.
These may be articles/videos/podcasts about our topics and there may or may not be specific instructions to do something with them other than read/watch/listen and see how it can add meaning to your understanding.
These Lessons are NOT mandatory but would add to your learning about this time period.
These may be articles/videos/podcasts about our topics and there may or may not be specific instructions to do something with them other than read/watch/listen and see how it can add meaning to your understanding.