Course Description
This course is designed as a comprehensive study of United States history. Students will use inquiry to explore a variety of peoples, events, and movements in United States history. Students will analyze the evolution of American democratic principles, changes in society, economic and geographical development, and the emergence of the United States as a global power. To allow for depth of content and connection to current issues and events, the course will begin with the American Revolution and end with the contemporary United States. Special attention should be paid to how Arizona and its diverse cultures and individuals have contributed to United States history.
Student Portfolios
American History
Period 2
Period 5
Period 7
Moved on after 1st Semester
Yael, Christian C.C. Rene Kassy Perla Araya Jesus Ethan Anthony Sean
Yael, Christian C.C. Rene Kassy Perla Araya Jesus Ethan Anthony Sean