Mr. Wince is asking you to create a Gratitude Journal and add daily entries throughout Q4.
Create a new page SELECT Blog Page
Create a new entry each day.
EACH post MUST include
CHALLENGE - If you select a human, animal, or plant - say it out loud to them when you see them
Mr. Wince is asking you to create a Gratitude Journal and add daily entries throughout Q4.
Create a new page SELECT Blog Page
Create a new entry each day.
EACH post MUST include
- This can go a couple of different directions. This could be documenting what you are grateful for on this specific day. This could be you writing down specific people that you are thankful for in your life.
- A key aspect is to include your why.
- If you are grateful for your friend, provide what specifically you are grateful for about them.
- If you are grateful for your friend, provide what specifically you are grateful for about them.
- Find an image that represents your entry
CHALLENGE - If you select a human, animal, or plant - say it out loud to them when you see them