Image Source - Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom
Skill Focus
Multiple Perspectives
HS.H3.2: Analyze how ideologies, religion, and belief systems have influenced economic, political, and social institutions over time.
Learning Target
I can describe how Indigenous wisdom and knowledge is helpful in understanding out world today.
Skill Focus
Multiple Perspectives
HS.H3.2: Analyze how ideologies, religion, and belief systems have influenced economic, political, and social institutions over time.
Learning Target
I can describe how Indigenous wisdom and knowledge is helpful in understanding out world today.
Proficiency Levels
Below are the levels of understanding we are striving to achieve. 3 (gray box) is the goal for all students. You will use the lessons to help you learn and demonstrate your learning.
Pre/Post Assessment
Before doing any activities, complete the Pre-Assessment. This will provide us data to show where you are starting your learning. Hand in to Mr. Wince.
After completing the lessons/activities provided, complete the Post-Assessment. The goal is to see growth in your understanding and ability to answer the prompt.
After completing the lessons/activities provided, complete the Post-Assessment. The goal is to see growth in your understanding and ability to answer the prompt.