"Psychoanalysis... should find a place among the methods whose aim is to bring
about the highest ethical and intellectual development of the individual."
--- Sigmund Freud ---
about the highest ethical and intellectual development of the individual."
--- Sigmund Freud ---
Use the following images and links to help you answer the Guided Notes.
Guided Notes
Your Guided Notes should include each of the following items;
Use the following images and links to help you answer the Guided Notes.
Guided Notes
Your Guided Notes should include each of the following items;
- A definition of the specific Perspective of Psychology you are learning about; examples - Behaviorism, Gestalt Psychology, Psychoanalysis, ect.
- Who is the founder of this Perspective of Psychology?
- What is one major experiment within that Perspective of Psychology?
- 3 details about that Perspective of Psychology