Monday, September 12th
Key Concept: 9/11 Remembrance and Aftermath
Handouts on front table
9/11 Remembrance and Aftermath
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Handouts on front table
- New Daily Learning Reflection
- 9/11 Remembrance and Aftermath Retro Report Essential Questions
9/11 Remembrance and Aftermath
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Tuesday, September 13th
Key Concept: Unlocked Checkpoints/Public Product
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Project Unlocked Documents
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Smiles and Frowns (5min)
Project Unlocked Documents
- Checkpoints #1 & #2
- Public Product
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Thursday, September 15th
- Mr. Wince Out - District Meeting
Key Concept: Project Unlocked Study Time
Video - How stress affects your brain - TEDEd (4:15) Project Unlocked Study Time
Daily Learning Reflection (5min) |
Friday, September 16th
Key Concept: Study Day
Video - How Friendship Affects Your Brain (4:23) Something in Common (5min) - Find 4 new people to chat with! |
Study Day
Checkpoint #1 Deadline!
Check StudentVue
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)
Checkpoint #1 Deadline!
Check StudentVue
- Do you have Missing/Incomplete Assignments?
- Show Mr. Wince when you have those completed
- Can you work ahead or dive deeper into a topic that has been introduced?
Daily Learning Reflection (5min)