Q4 Joy Is... Social, Mental and Physical
Driving Question
How can you create a 5-episode podcast series about your plans to develop positive habits around social behaviors, mental health and physical health that bring joy to your life?
Project Description
Throughout this quarter, students will be asked to engage with the concept of joy and how this concept is explained through psychology.
With these last couple of years and the struggles that many have experienced, my goal as an educator is to provide an opportunity for students to think about what joy means in regards to their social, mental and physical health and create a plan that will be a reminder to do these different things because scientific research supports it.
Having students grapple with understanding these areas and how they can make a plan to address the times when we are starting to experience less joy in our lives.
Public Product
A 5-Episode Podcast with ideas for addressing social, mental and physical health
Driving Question
How can you create a 5-episode podcast series about your plans to develop positive habits around social behaviors, mental health and physical health that bring joy to your life?
Project Description
Throughout this quarter, students will be asked to engage with the concept of joy and how this concept is explained through psychology.
With these last couple of years and the struggles that many have experienced, my goal as an educator is to provide an opportunity for students to think about what joy means in regards to their social, mental and physical health and create a plan that will be a reminder to do these different things because scientific research supports it.
Having students grapple with understanding these areas and how they can make a plan to address the times when we are starting to experience less joy in our lives.
Public Product
A 5-Episode Podcast with ideas for addressing social, mental and physical health