Learning Target
Better understanding the "edits" to the United States Constitution can help us better understand that our most significant founding document is not perfect, yet.
The Founding Fathers, were trying to answer one set of problems but did not have every answer for the problems they were experiencing or future problems that would become evident as people seek justice.
This time period and these amendments have been called the Second Founding of our country because of the attempts to bring in more people to be recognized as citizens and humans deserving protections by the government and from the government.
Use The Reconstruction Amendments page to better understand what the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments guaranteed to those that it is speaking to.
We should be seeing throughout these Essential Lessons that "progress", guaranteeing more protections and rights to people, does not always have full support. There are people who do not want this "progress" to happen and fight, physically and through the creation of laws that contradict those new protections, to try to limit these new laws from being fully realized.
Learning Target
Better understanding the "edits" to the United States Constitution can help us better understand that our most significant founding document is not perfect, yet.
The Founding Fathers, were trying to answer one set of problems but did not have every answer for the problems they were experiencing or future problems that would become evident as people seek justice.
This time period and these amendments have been called the Second Founding of our country because of the attempts to bring in more people to be recognized as citizens and humans deserving protections by the government and from the government.
Use The Reconstruction Amendments page to better understand what the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments guaranteed to those that it is speaking to.
We should be seeing throughout these Essential Lessons that "progress", guaranteeing more protections and rights to people, does not always have full support. There are people who do not want this "progress" to happen and fight, physically and through the creation of laws that contradict those new protections, to try to limit these new laws from being fully realized.